Saturday, January 29, 2011


"It ain't all good, but it's all good enough. So, I know I'm alright." Eyedea

When things are good they could always be better. No matter what we do we have reasons to complain. We search for something to be "wrong." We have an insatiable desire for bigger better things. 

I'm in a good spot. The best place I've been in quite a while. I'm happy, in a new relationship, live in a nice house, have a job, and am getting closer to family on a daily basis. While I really like where I'm at, and I shouldn't complain. I know I could be doing certain things differently. We all could. This is just part of our need for more. 

It is human nature to be greedy. Like it or not! Argue if you will, but we all know it's true. Proof: we go to buffets. Do we stop eating when we are satisfied or full? No, we keep going back for plate after plate. Just because it's there, and just because we can. That's greed. Taking more when we need none. It's evident in everyday life, and everyday activities. 

"But time taught me how to see every second as heaven even though they're perfectly disguised as hell." Eyedea

One thing it seems none of us are capable of, is acknowledging that it could always be worse. No matter how down we are, there is always further to fall. We all handle things like they are some sort of tragedy. The irony in it is when we look back after we've made it through, it seems almost comical. 

We all need to learn to live in the now. To be content with where we are at in life. Smile when we should, and even we don't believe we can. Excuse me for being cliche, but we must roll with the punches. When we accept the beauty that is our everyday life, we will then be able to move on to bigger and better things. 

The two quotes I've used are from Eydea & Abilities "Smile." Eyedea was by far one of the most prolific and profound artist that has ever lived. The song has the best message I've ever heard conveyed through music. Definitely worth a listen, but only if you analyze the lyrics. Eyedeas lyrics have the capability to change you outlook on everything. Life, love, music, and faith. R.I.P. Mr. Larsen aka Eyedea. 

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